
Call us on this number, it is free from Lyca phones. Or send us a text message and we will call you back.

Mobile phone icon 07438 407 570

Letter Icon

Speech bubble icon Speaking Out

Making a Referral

If you know someone in detention who needs support, you can email us or you can fill in the short referral form and send it to us by email.

Detention Support

If you are in detention we will call you to see how you’re doing, we will then arrange for one of our trained volunteers to visit you in immigration detention as soon as possible.

We can visit weekly, and can try to support you in a way that is useful, however we cannot give legal or medical advice. Support can include:

– Contacting your solicitor or a specialist organisation.
– Bringing essential items that you need.
– Helping to research or find information.
– Supporting you with a petition or campaign about your case.

Anonymous Statements

If you are detained and would like to make a public, anonymous statement, you can email the interest group Detained Voices. They will be able to take your statement and publish your story on their website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.